Friday, June 13, 2014

Bumps In The Road

We all have them but unfortunately during weight loss, bumps in the road suck!  I have had my share of those bumps over the last few months but as the old saying goes, "that which doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."  My most recent "bump" was a small issue with my lap band.  I started having terrible bouts of reflux at night, was not sleeping, was keeping my husband awake, was scaring my husband half to death, started having difficulty eating and even taking in water.  DO NOT let a "bump in the road" become a hazard to your health.  Whether you have a lap band, a gastric sleeve, roux-en-y, or you are just trying to lose weight the old fashioned way, if you have any medical problems...  See a doctor.  Do not put off something and suffer for something that could be an easy fix.  Enough soap box because I should follow my own advise (yes, honey, I'm hard headed.  You knew that when you married me).

So, as for "bumps in the road."  Face each challenge as you get to it, whatever it may be.  Face it, deal with it and overcome.  Whether that challenge is health related, weight loss related (plateau, 2 more pounds, etc), exercise related, food related, or just life in general, win the challenge.  Look for the positive in every situation and repeat to yourself, "I will (notice I said will and not can) do this!"

And the journey continues...

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