Friday, May 30, 2014

Support System

I am truly blessed beyond belief.  I have the most amazing support system in regard to my surgeries, weight loss, exercise and life in general.  My family and friends have been and continue to help me on a daily basis.

Twenty years ago the most amazing man walked into my life and has been with me on every step of this crazy, emotional, amazing journey.  He pushes when I need pushed.  He supports when I need support.  He is loving when I need love.  He is the world's biggest ass when the need arises (and sometimes even when it doesn't) but he's still amazing.  And we were blessed with two amazing boys that are right there with him, helping me along the way.  My oldest tells me daily how pretty I am and when he thinks I need it, gets me flowers or a card just to let me know how much he loves me.  My youngest is still a cuddle bug.  He hugs and loves on me all the time.  He wraps his arms around me and says, "look how far I can wrap my arms around you, Mom."  They all make me feel so special.  This journey is about us all and for us all.

Thank you to everyone that supports me through kind words, reading my blog, asking for my advice, and helping me through life.  You are all amazing.

And the journey continues...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

Finally!!!  I had been on a weight loss plateau for the last couple of months.  I had pneumonia in March, gallbladder issues in April and my asthma has flared back up thanks to this wonderful allergy season we are having, making exercise almost impossible.  Well, I finally broke the plateau.  I dropped two more pounds.  So, in celebration of a new bit of weight loss, I thought transformation Tuesday would be appropriate.

Thank you all for your continued support.  I absolutely love when people stop me, share their stories, tell me that I have helped motivate them or ask me for help/support in their own journey.  None of us are in this alone.

And the journey continues...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Size 10

Yesterday I was shopping with my niece and tried on a pair of pants, they were size 12 (what I have been wearing) and they were really baggy in the seat. I thought that there was no way that I could possibly wear a size 10 (I've never worn a 10 in my entire life) but I got the 10 and put them on, buttoned and zipped them right up like they were made for me. I think I scared every person in the dressing room other than my niece. She just asked, "are you going to cry?" Well, I didn't cry this time but when I get to a size 8, I may bawl like a baby.

And the journey continues...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Exercise Motivation

How do you get motivated to exercise when you just want to be lazy and sit on your butt?  Well, I know I'm not the only one out there and we all have to stick together and help one another.  So, a few short steps to get us motivated.

1.)  Set one, EASY, measurable goal.  Set your goal (plan it and stick to it).  Don't just say you are going to exercise, be specific.  Determine what your goal is whether it is walking, bicycling, jogging, elliptical, treadmill, etc.  This has to be very specific and you should write it down (on a calendar, exercise log, bulletin board, phone reminder, etc).  Then set an appointment.  Determine a time and stick to it.  As for measurable, you should be able to say whether you hit or miss your goal.  If your goal is walking 1/2 a mile, bicycling for 30 minutes, doing 10 minutes on the elliptical, etc.  Something that is measurable and you can say, "yes, I did it" or "I need to work on that."

2.)  Log it.  Keep an exercise log and write all your hits and misses.  This holds us accountable and pushes us to do better.

3.)  Report to others.  I find that having a exercise support person, whether exercising with you or just someone to bounce your accomplishments off of, truly helps.  If you have someone else keeping up with your exercise routine and holding you accountable, you are more motivated to stick with it.

4.)  Add additional motivation as needed.  Rewards are often a great motivator.  I have seen many different versions of this and for some a small motivation works, others need more.

Examples:  A exercise jar:  Every day that you exercise and meet your goal, place a dollar into the jar.  Once you lose 5-10 pounds, take that money and buy yourself something new.

Weight loss jars:  Some people are very visual.  Get two jars and place pebbles, marbles, pennies, etc in one with your current weight on the outside.  As you lose pounds, move those into the other jar to see what you have lost.

There are so many ways to do rewards, find something that works for you.

And the journey continues...

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday Motivation Time

Mondays seem to be very difficult for a lot of people.  Think of it as a new beginning to another week of opportunity.  Have a great one.

And the journey continues...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

There is no love greater than that between a Mother and her child

Mother's Day has so many meanings for so many different people.  Whether you have an amazing Mother, you have lost a Mother, lack a relationship with your Mother, you are a Mother, have lost a child that made you a Mother, are a foster Mother or an adoptive Mother, this day has it's own meaning.

I am fortunate that I am the Mother of two amazing young men.  They are the light of my life and make me who I am and they make me want to be a better me for them.  They not only make me a Mother, but also, a nurturer, an educator, a cook, a maid, a coach, a cheerleader, a taxi driver, a seamstress, a laundress and on days when they are not upset with me, a friend.  I unfortunately have also experienced loss as a Mother but that makes me part of who I am as well.

I am also extremely fortunate that I have the most amazing mother in the world.  She has dedicated her life to making my brother and me into the people that we are.  We have been loved unconditionally and taught the importance of God, family, love and happiness.  We were raised by she and our Dad to have good morals and to respect others.  Things that many people do not have the privilege of learning.  I thank her for being our rock.

I would like to wish all the Mothers out there, a very Happy Mother's Day.  Remember you are an amazing woman and something amazing made you a Mother.  Treat yourself to something special, you deserve it.

And the journey continues...


My Mom & the Boys

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Graduation Day

Graduation day is the beginning of a new stage in life.  Whether it's kindergarten, grade school, high school, college, graduate school, or whatever the case may be.  For some of us "older" people it can also be a time of sadness and realization that those new stages are affecting us as well.  My oldest niece graduates from college today.  My youngest niece graduates from high school next week.  My oldest son is only four years away from high school graduation.  Oh no, stop it!!!  

Twenty two years ago today, a little (5# 10oz) bundle of joy entered this world at 5:10 a.m. and made me an aunt for the first time.  That little girl has grown into an amazing young woman with many hopes and dreams.  In the short time she has been on this earth, she has accomplished so much and has so much more to come.  I wasn't fortunate enough to have my own girl/girls but God blessed me with two nieces that are as close as it gets.

My wish for the next stage in life (as with every other stage) is happiness and love. These apply to everything in life.

And the journey continues...

Friday, May 9, 2014

Mommy Makeover

As many of you know, I am getting very close to my weight loss goal.  I have about 12 pounds to go and I'm very excited.  Once I reach that goal, I plan to maintain for 6 months to a year prior to any additional procedures.  When I started on this journey, my original thought was to lose weight and get healthy.  Obviously the weight loss thing has happened and I am much healthier than I was but I realized not long into the process that at some point I am going to need a "Mommy Makeover."

 I'm sure many of you are or will be in the same situation that I am when it comes to any body sculpting procedures, you either don't have medical insurance or your insurance will not pay for "elective procedures."  Mine would be the latter.  Unless you are having complications related to the excess skin or something medically necessary that would warrant them paying for plastic surgery, it's not going to happen.

My option, as well as the option of so many others, is to go outside the United States and pay out of pocket to have body sculpting done.  I have several areas that need attention or sculpting.  A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is high on the list as there is no way that I could possibly tighten all the skin that was stretched over my body when it was 120 pounds larger.  I have bat wings and for those that have them, you know what I mean.  When I lift my arms, the skin on my upper arms wave at you.  So, brachioplasty or arm sculpting in also on my list.  I have two additional things on my list for my "Mommy Makeover" and those are a thigh lift and breast augmentation.  A breast lift would do me absolutely no good as you have to have something to lift and weight loss has taken care of that.

A few months after my lap-band surgery I started researching medical tourism.  For those that do not know what that is, please visit my website ( and this will help you.  When I began my research, I was spending a lot of time looking up information on multiple websites.  I would search for clinics/hospitals, physicians, procedures, costs, etc.  The information was out there but it wasn't easily accessible.  I realized (along with the help of my amazing, business development minded husband) that we needed to develop this website for everyone to be able to easily find this information all on one site.  The site has only been live a few months and we are continuously adding information to assist you in finding the answers you are looking for in regards to medical tourism.

So, to all the "Mommies" out there, have a wonderful Mother's Day.  I hope your children treat you like the amazing woman you are and if not, go treat yourself.

And the journey continues....

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Since it's "tasty Tuesday," I thought we would discuss cravings.  I don't have a lot of cravings since I started my journey but I have one that is never ending.  I crave cheeseburgers.  The funny thing is that I can eat a lean hamburger patty and put some low fat cheese on it but it's just not the same.  I want that big, fat, juicy patty in the middle of a toasted hamburger bun with Miracle Whip, gooey cheese, tomato, lettuce and onion.  I want to bite into the whole thing and get that amazing flavor combination.  Although, I don't as I couldn't handle it anyway.

Unfortunately, cravings can get the best of us sometimes and we have to deal with them as they happen.  I was taught the "3 bite rule."  If you are craving something or if you are in a situation where you really want a certain food (cake, ice cream, chocolate, anything that really isn't good for us or we shouldn't eat at all), take three small (do not make those bites mouth size) bites (savoring each bite) and then throw it away.  Get it out of site so you cannot continue to indulge.  If you feel that you can't stop at three bites, it's best to not give in and find something to replace that craving.  Often when we are having cravings our body is lacking an important nutrient and feeding that need will eliminate the craving for the unhealthy food.

And the journey continues...

Monday, May 5, 2014

A New You

Many people need "change" other than just weight loss when they are getting healthier and starting on their "journey."

Go for it!  Get a haircut, get highlights, change your hair color, or change your clothing style to develop "a new you."   I have found that since I started losing weight and have gotten down to a size that I am able to purchase what I consider "cute clothing," I am getting a bit more adventurous in my purchases.  I also have to watch what I purchase as I do not want to look like I'm trying to be 20 again.  So, a little brighter, a little bolder and a LOT smaller.  Now I just need to figure out the new hairstyle.  This naturally curly gets old sometimes.  Good luck with the new you but if "healthier" is all the new you that you need, be healthy and happy.  That definitely works as well.

And the journey continues...

Friday, May 2, 2014

Here Comes Summer

I don't know about anyone else, but I am so ready for warm weather and summer fun.  With summer comes grilling and all kinds of opportunities for different foods.  You don't have to shy away from all of that good fun, just stay on track with healthy recipes.  Always remember portion control is your best friend.  I will repeat something from an earlier post...  Use a smaller plate and no, do not pile it a foot high on the small plate.

And the journey continues...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Warm Weather

Finally, a sunny, warm weekend ahead.  Perfect weather for some outdoor fun and exercise.  Get those bikes out of the garage, dust them off and get them ready for a ride.  Grab the kids and the spouse and make it a family event.  Getting healthy should include the entire family.  It not only makes it easier on you but it makes it better for them as well.  You should already be feeding them healthier meals (the same things you are eating) and exercise is good for the heart (plus it's fun for everyone).  If bicycling is not your thing, drag them along for a walk/jog, Frisbee in the park, tennis, hiking, or anything else that gets the blood pumping and you all can do together.

See you at the River Parks.

And the journey continues...