Sunday, June 22, 2014


Each of us likes to get away from our daily grind and some time away can be a welcome thing.  Vacation is a word that tends to make everyone smile.  

We have to remember that vacation doesn't mean go crazy and forget your healthy eating or exercise.  Take time to get in some exercise, whether it be in a hotel exercise room, the pool, walking, hiking, or jogging.  You can exercise wherever you are.  As for healthy eating...  Watch those carbs and always order everything with the sauce/dressing on the side.  

And the journey continues...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Eating Healthy While Traveling

We all know that it's close to impossible to purchase anything healthy from fast food places.  You have to be very careful when eating out anywhere and when traveling, convenience makes healthy even more difficult.  One solution that I have come up with in regard to eating healthier while traveling (via car, not airline) is to take your own food and snacks.  High protein & low carbs are the goal.  Some suggestions include beef jerky, peanut butter, boiled eggs, light Babybel cheese, Greek yogurt, chicken salad with light mayo, plain almonds, and don't forget the water.  Lots and lots of water.  

Watch what you eat and work on getting in exercise (even walking) while traveling as well.

And the journey continues...

Monday, June 16, 2014

Motivation Monday

Okay people, now that my "bumps in the road" seem to have passed.  It's time to get motivated again and get back on the exercise wagon.  I have some serious bat wings that need attention and I need some muscle on my backside in a bad way.  So, time to get moving.  Back on the bicycle, back to walking/running, back on the elliptical and back to Shaun T and Rockin' Body.  Look in those mirrors, get on those scales, whatever it takes to get motivated and let's do this....

And the journey continues...

Friday, June 13, 2014

Bumps In The Road

We all have them but unfortunately during weight loss, bumps in the road suck!  I have had my share of those bumps over the last few months but as the old saying goes, "that which doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."  My most recent "bump" was a small issue with my lap band.  I started having terrible bouts of reflux at night, was not sleeping, was keeping my husband awake, was scaring my husband half to death, started having difficulty eating and even taking in water.  DO NOT let a "bump in the road" become a hazard to your health.  Whether you have a lap band, a gastric sleeve, roux-en-y, or you are just trying to lose weight the old fashioned way, if you have any medical problems...  See a doctor.  Do not put off something and suffer for something that could be an easy fix.  Enough soap box because I should follow my own advise (yes, honey, I'm hard headed.  You knew that when you married me).

So, as for "bumps in the road."  Face each challenge as you get to it, whatever it may be.  Face it, deal with it and overcome.  Whether that challenge is health related, weight loss related (plateau, 2 more pounds, etc), exercise related, food related, or just life in general, win the challenge.  Look for the positive in every situation and repeat to yourself, "I will (notice I said will and not can) do this!"

And the journey continues...

Saturday, June 7, 2014


We have all heard it...  Drink lots of water.  In fact, we are told to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day (that is 8 - 8 ounce glasses).  Water intake is extremely important for multiple reasons but one of the most important is to prevent dehydration.  As the weather continues to get warmer and more outdoor activities (exercise, yard work, fun) take place, you need to be more aware of your water intake.

Symptoms of Dehydration in Adults

The signs and symptoms of dehydration range from minor to severe and include:

* Increased thirst
* Dry mouth and swollen tongue
* Weakness
* Dizziness
* Palpitations (feeling that the heart is jumping or pounding)
* Confusion
* Sluggishness fainting
* Fainting * Inability to sweat
* Decreased urine output
* Muscle cramps
* Headache
* Dry skin
* Constipation

Urine color may indicate dehydration. If urine is concentrated and deeply yellow or amber, you may be dehydrated.

Minor dehydration can usually be reversed by additional fluid intake (try to stay away from caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as they will make dehydration worse). If there is a possibility of severe dehydration, seek immediate medical care. I, personally, have been a victim of dehydration which has led to increased thirst and muscle cramps. These cramps are not pleasant and taking in more liquids is much easier than suffering through muscle cramps.

In regard to weight loss, dehydration is your enemy.  When your body is dehydrated, it can't get rid of toxins and stores them in your fat cells.  The body will not release the fat unless it is hydrated sufficiently to safely remove the toxins.

And the journey continues...