Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Motivation

The weather here is going to be nice today.  Get up, get out and get moving.  Grab your tennis shoes, take a walk, go for a jog, get on your bike but get moving...

And the journey continues...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday Motivation

Here's some Monday Motivation.... Get out and get active. Whatever activity you enjoy doing, set a goal and start working toward it. No matter how slow you move or how long it takes you to accomlpish that goal, you are moving faster than the person sitting on the couch!!!
My boys (14 & 11) have decided that they want to exercise and get healthier with their Mom. I'm all for it. So, I just signed the three of us up for the Tulsa Color Run 5K. Time to get out and get moving. The run date is April 11th.
And the journey continues...

Friday, January 9, 2015

Positive Outlook

For the longest time I haven't really realized the fruits of my labor. I have changed my eating habits, exercised, developed a healthier lifestyle and lost weight but still saw the "fat girl" in the mirror. Well, things are changing and I have a much more positive outlook on things. I have finally realized that I do look better and that I can set and obtain goals in regard to my weight and the "skinny me."
I actually took another step on my journey this week and am in the process of moving forward with additional goals. I have now seen what my final outcome will be once the weight goal is reached and the body modifications are complete. I am excited and nervous at the same time. My wonderful, loving husband keeps telling me that all of these changes keeps bringing a bigger smile to my face and he loves seeing me smile.
If you had asked me three years ago where I would be in regard to all of these changes, my answer would have been different, I'm sure. As I have said before, you have to be on the journey both mentally and physically to succeed. The mental part has to come first and it's hard. Unfortunately for most of us, we hit a major low in our lives before the mental part clicks. I am happy to say that my new positive outlook is a major breath of fresh air and I cannot wait to see where my journey leads me.
And the journey continues...

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Some days it's just one thing that gives you inspiration.  I came across this today and it really touched me and felt it might be good for someone else as well.  

And the journey continues...

Monday, January 5, 2015

Freezing Cold

For those that know me, I am not a cold weather girl. I am a tropical, beach girl that really needs to find a new place to take up residence. Any temperature below 65 degrees is too cold for me and on days like today (temperature 15 degrees Fahrenheit and a windchill of 9 degrees) I do not want to be out in the freezing cold to exercise. There lies my problem, here lies my solution. My elliptical is calling my name (although, my wonderful husband decided he didn't like it in the bedroom and moved it to the garage) and so is my "Rocking Body" dance DVD. I will rely on these and my kettle bell exercises for the remainder of the winter months. I so look forward to the first warm signs of spring. I'm looking forward to getting out on my bicycle and yes, even a little jogging. It's been awhile and I'm ready to get back into it. So, shake off those winter blues and find an alternative to outdoor exercise. Motivation!!! Let's do this.
And the journey continues...

Motivation Monday

Here it comes... All those lovely little quotes about motivation and no more excuses. Make each day a new start. Wake up with the knowledge that you and only you have the power to make you what you want to be. Let's do this!!
And the journey continues....

Friday, January 2, 2015

Food for Thought

As we enter a new year, a little food for thought.  Make lifestyle changes that are best for you and your health.  If you are planning weight loss and don't know where to begin, see a dietician or a nutritionist.  Make sure you are eating healthy in the process.  The biggest impacts on my weight loss has been cutting down carbohydrate intake and increasing my protein intake.  Eating habits alone will not make you a success.  Introduce some form of exercise into your routine.  You have to want your journey to a healthier you or success will be difficult.  Often a "partner" is a huge help.  Someone to be accountable to and that is also there for support.  My husband has challenged me that he can get to my goal weight before me.  Sometimes a little competition is good as well.  We shall see.  

And the journey continues...


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!!!

I personally do not believe in New Years' resolutions.  I believe we should live each day to it's fullest and be the best that we possibly can be, every day of the year.  My 2014 was a bit bumpy.  I had several health issues but I made it through and things are looking up.  I am back on the road to a healthier, skinnier me.  Yay!  I wish you all the best and make 2015 the best it can be for you.

And the journey continues...