Thursday, March 13, 2014

Small Goals

Most all of us set goals throughout life, whether it be for your family, career, or retirement.  I have realized over the years that big goals are a necessity as are small goals.  When I set out on my weight loss journey, I set a big goal of weight loss.  My goal weight is 160 pounds but I learned very quickly that small goals are truly more important and are as rewarding, if not more, than that final goal.

Sometimes goals that you set for yourself can be silly, fun or truly important.  For those with health issues, obviously getting healthier, reducing medications or even being taken completely off of them are amazing accomplishments.  For those of us that obesity is/was the only health issue, other goals are important and will vary from individual to individual.  I have always been a person that likes to shop and I am extremely hardheaded.  I will purchase a piece of clothing that I like that is too small and work to get into it.  Some of my goals will sound silly to some but for me they are truly accomplishments.  One thing that I set out to do when I started my journey was to be able to wrap a regular bath towel around my body when I got out of the shower and not have any skin showing from under the towel.  I know that may sound crazy to some but it was in my head as being important.  Well, this morning, I accomplished that goal and I was grinning from ear to ear.  Yes, I am posting a picture.  lol

And the journey continues...